Our Important Role As Parent To Our Kids In The Time Of Pandemic

It is our duty as a parent to keep our children safe and protected from harm. That is why it is very hard for us to let them go in the first day of schooling. As much as possible, we would want to see them at every second to make sure that nothing bad is going to happen to them. Then here comes to COVID-19 pandemic, which triples the risk of going outside the house, not just for our kids but for everyone else. It is a relief to hear that authorities are looking into other methods of learning to avoid physical or face-to-face classes this coming school year.

At this time, a blended type of learning is being considered, wherein the students can learn by accessing their schools’ online modules and classrooms, then mailing their evaluation tests to their teachers. Sure, this will keep our children away from the risk of catching the disease as they can stay inside your home throughout the school year. This also gives us an opportunity to guard our kids 24/7 as they will always be under our watch, even as they go to their (online) classes.

However, amid this quarantine period, our role as parents has become more important than ever. We can protect our children inside our house against sickness and all other physical harm, but we might not detect right away that right under our noses, something wrong is going on with our kids’ well-being.


Give Our Kids The Assurance That Everything Will Be Fine

A remote learning setup might be the best way to continue our kids’ education in spite of the threat of the worldwide pandemic. However, our kids could pick up from this setup that something bad is going on. This is such a drastic change from the learning setup that they are used to, plus the fact that they are not going to see their friends at school could make them feel sad and lonely.

In this case, we need to give them the assurance that in spite of these changes that happened because of the pandemic, things will get back to normal eventually. However, for now, you need to be with your childrent to help them adapt to this new system of learning. Perhaps the only advantage that you can take from this is that you will no longer have to worry about your children getting bullied in the classroom. Although, what we need to be worried about is their mental and emotional state.

This is also the opportunity for you to know your kids better. Without needing lie detector test costs uk, we can know what’s on our kids’ mind by having a heart-to-heart talk with them.